Free Comic Book Day 2017 !!


 Bédéciné  Free Comic Book Day 2017

        Samedi 6 mai 2017 de 10h à 19h30 min !!


Comic Shops near TOULOUSE, FRANCE include:
Librairie Bédéciné
7 rue Romiguières
Phone: 33 561216444


Hello les amis, hello à tous !!!

Cette année encore Bédéciné met les petits plats dans les grands et vous convie à la toute nouvelle édition du Free Comic Book Day !!!

Bédéciné met un point d’honneur à vous proposer chaque semaine les nouveautés Comics en VF comme en VO depuis de nombreuses années et ne pouvait évidemment pas manquer de célébrer une nouvelle fois avec vous ce qui est désormais la grande fête des Comics !!

Nous aurons donc le plaisir de vous accueillir le Samedi 6 Mai 2017  pour une nouvelle édition de cette journée consacrée aux comics américains et qui fait de plus en plus la part belle aux éditeurs Français puisque Panini, Glénat, Comics Zone, Delcourt, Urban, Bliss comics, Akileos et Snorgleux sont également de la partie 😉

Bédéciné qui est l’une des rares librairies en France à être référencée sur le Comic Shop Locator et à participer au FCBD vous proposera comme chaque année l’ensemble des titres en VO ainsi qu’en VF et vous proposera également quelques petites surprises au fur et à mesure de la journée…

Vous retrouverez donc ci-dessous  la liste des titres qui seront proposés par Bédéciné ce jour là !


Free Comic Book Day 2017  Editeurs Français.


– Wonder Woman Year One (1er Chapitre)

Il y a cinq ans, le monde a découvert les premiers super-héros avec Batman  et Superman , mais rien ne les préparait à l’arrivée de Diana, la princesse amazone de Themyscira ! Ayant accompagné l’agent de l’A.R.G.U.S. Steve Trevor dans ce qu’elle appelle « le monde des hommes », elle se voit attribuée le pseudonyme de Wonder Woman  et rencontre ses premiers ennemis !


– I Hate Image / Fairyland

Vous la reconnaissez ? C’est Gertrude ! Coincée depuis 20 ans dans Fairyland, la petite fille qui ne grandit plus devient odieuse et pète un câble ! A l’occasion du Free Comic Book Day, elle revient dans un numéro unique, dans lequel elle compte bien mener la vie dure aux différents héros des séries de l’éditeur Image Comics !

Par Skottie Young & Jean-François Beaulieu


One-shot Doctor Strange – Mystic Apprentice !

Cet épisode est une exclusivité pour le FCBD et ne sera pas republié en kiosque ou en librairie.

Ce titre revient sur les origines du Sorcier Suprême de l’univers Marvel avant qu’il obtienne ce titre, lorsque Stephen Strange était encore un étudiant des arts mystiques.

24 pages, scénarisé par Will Corona Pilgrim et dessiné par Andrea Di Vito


– Un Titre Star Wars tenu secret…




Skybourne / La Malédiction de Rowans / Dead Inside

Skybourne :
Plein d’action, Skybourne est un peu la rencontre entre Indiana Jones et James Bond avec des éléments de Fantasy. Frank Cho décrit ce titre comme « l’une de ses séries les plus cinématographiques ».
La légende du Roi Arthur à l’époque moderne : seul un homme, Skybourne, peut empêcher le maléfique Merlin de détruire le monde …

La Malédiction de Rowans :
Un comics d’horreur dans lequel deux femmes s’échangent leur maison/appartement. Et il s’avère que Katie, l’héroïne, va se retrouver en Angleterre, dans une maison qui semble… hantée !

Dead Inside :
La « Jail Crimes Division » du bureau du shérif du comté de Mariposa enquête sur les crimes perpétrés à l’intérieur de la prison locale. Avec un nombre limité de suspects qui ne peuvent pas s’enfuir, il s’agit d’habitude d’enquêtes assez simples à résoudre – mais pas celle-ci. Comme la détective Linda Caruso se rapproche du cœur de cette affaire, elle découvre de bien étranges révélations sur ses amis, son travail et elle-même…


 – Spawn se les prend tous !

Couverture de Todd McFarlane

Vous avez un héro préféré ? Mieux vaudrait en changer …. Il est MORT !

Si vous vous êtes déjà demandé quel super-héros était le plus fort, ce comics RÉPOND À VOTRE QUESTION !
Il s’agit de SPAWN … Il se les prend TOUS !


– (We Can) Never Go Home


Le monde ne veut pas d’eux ? Qu’il se rassure, c’est réciproque !
Quand on est ado, traverser les couloirs impitoyables du lycée n’est jamais facile. Mais pour Duncan et Madison, ça l’est encore moins. Car ils partagent un secret : ils savent faire des choses exceptionnelles, inconcevables pour le commun des mortels. Alors qu’ils avaient réussi à garder leurs pouvoirs cachés aux yeux des autres, leur destin bascule lorsqu’ils provoquent un drame par accident… Maintenant, ils n’ont d’autre choix que de prendre la fuite. Partir, et ne jamais revenir…


– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – Pink

Elle a beau avoir laissé derrière elle la vie de Power Ranger, Kimberly Hart est contrainte de reprendre part au combat. Ses parents ont disparu, son village est envahi par des monstres et elle doit assumer sa destinée en découvrant quelle puissance sordide se cache derrière tout cela. Elle devra faire appel à quelques vieux amis si elle veut pouvoir résoudre le mystère et sauver ce village autrefois si calme…

Par les scénaristes Brenden Fletcher (Batgirl, Gotham Academy), Kelly Thompson (Jem and the Holograms, A-Force) et Tini Howard (Magdalena : Seventh Sacrament) et le dessinateur Daniele Di Nicuolo (Mirror’s Edhe : Exordium), la Ranger rose s’embarque pour sa toute première aventure en solo !

Et avec une couverture originale par Elsa Charretier(The Infinite Loop, Harley Quinn, The Unstoppable Wasp)



– Unity : Dans la toile du Dr Silk

A l’issue de leur première mission qui a secoué le monde, Ninjak et son équipe Unity doivent plonger à nouveau dans le danger et faire face à la menace de l’énigmatique Docteur Silk et son groupe terroriste high-tech : Webnet ! L’équipe découvrira-t-elle l’ultime dessein de Silk et lèvera-t-elle le voile sur son lien mystérieux avec le passé de Ninjak ?



– Doctor Who

Quatre Docteurs, une nouvelle histoire incroyable !

Lancez-vous dans une nouvelle aventure traversant le passé, le présent et le futur de l’univers Doctor Who, avec le Douzième Docteur et sa toute nouvelle compagne, Bill ! Pour la première apparition de Bill dans les comics Doctor Who de Titan Comics, retrouvez les Docteurs 9, 10, 11 et 12 ! Cette histoire est une expérience unique pour les novices ainsi que les fans de la première heure, car elle comporte de nombreux indices sur les futures saisons de Doctor Who comics…

En bonus, à la fin de cet opus inédit & exclusif au FCBD France, une preview du spin-off Doctor Who comics réunissant les Docteurs 10, 11 et 12 ainsi que le « War Doctor » interprété par le regretté John Hurt à l’écran, et à paraître au printemps prochain.




– American Monster & Animosity


American Monster :
De Brian Azzarelo (100 Bullets, Wonder Woman, The Dark Knight III: The Master Race) et Juan Doe (Wolverines)
Dans une petite ville du Midwest, un homme imposant et défiguré descend du bus et s’installe au motel. Son apparence effraie les habitants – personne ne le connaît – à moins que ? Impossible à dire, car il semble ne pas avoir de visage. Ses intentions sont inconnues, jusqu’à ce qu’il s’occupe d’un shérif corrompu qui deal avec le gang local de marchands d’armes racistes. Il passe alors du statut de monstre à celui de héros, jusqu’à ce que ses vraies intentions remontent à la surface. Il n’est pas là pour en finir avec le gang, mais pour en prendre les rênes. Et ça ne fait que commencer…

Animosity :
De Marguerite Bennett (DC Comics Bombshells, A-Force) et Rafael De Latorre
Voilà à peu près ce que l’on sait :
Un jour, les animaux se sont éveillés.
Ils ont commencé à penser.
Ils ont commencé à parler.
Ils ont commencé à se venger.
Une fillette et son chien vont essayer de s’échapper de New York pour retrouver la seule personne capable de la sauver et de la protéger de ce nouveaux monde, dans lequel les humains et les animaux vont devoir cohabiter.


– Sketchbook exclusif

Le thème de cette édition est « Les super-héros au quotidien » : imaginez les super-héros dans leurs activités quotidiennes, que fait Spider-Man après avoir attrapé les méchants ? Superman fait-il ses courses dans un hyper ?
Si vous voulez apparaître dans ce sketchbook, n’hésitez pas, il vous reste moins d’un mois pour participer. 



Et après cette belle liste de titres en Français,  passons maintenant à la longue liste du FCBD US 😉


Free Comic Book Day 2017   VO



(W) Adam Hughes (A/CA) Adam Hughes

It’s Betty vs. Veronica! Betty and Veronica are America’s sweethearts… until they turn on each other! Pops’ Chocklit Shoppe is being taken over by a huge coffee company. When Betty and Veronica go head-to-head over the issue, all bets are off! Friendships will shatter. Cities will burn. Nails will be broken. Betty and Veronica are back in this all-new #1 from comics legend Adam Hughes (Wonder Woman, Catwoman)! [TEEN]



(W) Matt Groening (A/CA) Matt Groening

Get in line for the foremost Free Comic Book Day four-color giveaway of the year! When Bart injures his back and has to use a rolling backpack, he turns weakness into strength as the « Leader of the Backpack Pack. » Then, Homer and Bart pull an all-nighter and put themselves on high alert to prevent a potential home invasion. Rod and Todd Flanders get separated from Ned Flanders in downtown Springfield and find themselves on an odyssey fraught with many mostly imagined dangers. All that and much, much more, and it’s all free! [ALL-AGES]



W) David Peterson, Sam Sykes, Liz Prince (A) David Peterson, Selina Espiritu, Amanda Kirk (CA) Kyla Vanderklugt

BOOM! Studios Summer Blast is jam-packed with three stories of mice, monsters, and one supernatural punk band. In an original Archaia short story of David Petersen’s Mouse Guard, a pair of youngfurs learn a lesson from a grizzled guardmouse on what it means to be a hunter. Next, get a sneak peek of the upcoming KaBOOM! series Brave Chef Brianna. To prove herself as a great chef, Brianna starts her own restaurant… but the only town she can afford to set up shop in is Monster City! Finally, the Lumberjanes introduce your new favorite BOOM! Box series Coady and the Creepies. Coady and her sisters are members of a band heading for the gig of their lives… so long as no one realizes that Coady is actually a ghost! [ALL AGES]



(W) Sherri Smith, Brian Wood (A) Doug Wheatley, Werther Dell’Edera (CA) Dave Wilkins

Return to the wilds of Pandora and the world of the Nav’i from James Cameron’s groundbreaking film Avatar as Jake Sully connects with the flying Toruk, the majestic Great Leonopteryx, by remembering the depth of his bond with his twin brother and great partnerships of history and legend. Also included in this issue: Set in a secessionist community in rural America, Grace Briggs is trying to guide her family peacefully through trying times. But when confronted with armed milita running an opioid ring on her land, she must take commanding steps. Briggs Land is currently in development for television at AMC. [TEEN]



(W) Alex Paknadel (A) Mariano Laclaustra (CA) Photo

Take a spin through the past, present, and future of Doctor Who universe, in the company of the twelfth Doctor and his brand-new companion, Bill! Featuring Bill’s first Titan Comics appearance, this all-new story is an unmissable experience for fans new and old, with plenty of tantalising teases from Doctors past and present, including incredible clues to the year ahead for all of Titan’s Doctor Who series! Keep your Sonic Screwdriver at the ready and unlock a world of adrenaline-fuelled time traveling adventure! [ALL AGES]



(W) Skottie Young (A/CA) Skottie Young

Gertrude has been stuck in Fairyland for decades when she finally hears of a secret passage that may be her way back home. But reaching it is easier said than done as she crosses the border into IMAGE where she’ll have to chop her way through you favorite characters from Saga, The Walking Dead, Savage Dragon, Spawn, Descender, Black Science, Southern Bastards, and any other character I can add to make sure the original art for this issue sends my children to college! [MATURE]

  • Attention, ce titre est en priorité réservé aux acheteurs du génial I Hate Fairyland en VF ou en VO.
    Ne repartez surtout pas sans ce titre du FCBD qui est en ce qui nous concerne le must have absolu ^^



(W) Zac Gorman, Tini Howard (A) CJ Cannon, Ryan Hill, Marc Ellerby, Katy Farina (CA) Maximus Pauson

Dan Harmon & Justin Roiland’s hilarious hit Adult Swim animated show Rick and Morty has its own critically-acclaimed comic book series from Oni Press! Join degenerate superscientist Rick Sanchez as he embarks on all-new insane adventures with his awkward grandson Morty, his teenage granddaughter Summer, his veterinary surgeon daughter Beth, and his hapless son-in-law Jerry. Catch up on their escapades with this special Free Comic Book Day issue, which includes the story that started it all: Part One of « The Wubba Lubba Dub Dub of Wall Street. » Plus, an exclusive first look at the upcoming miniseries Pocket Like You Stole It! [TEEN]



The Marvel Universe is under siege from the greatest threat it has ever known! Everything has been leading to this as Nick Spencer and Andrea Sorrentino bring the entire Marvel Universe together for the highly-anticipated SECRET EMPIRE series! UNITED THEY STAND against a common foe, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Defenders, the Champions, the Inhumans, Spider-Man and more must hold together as an unwavering front! Yet even their combined might may not be enough to withstand the awesome power of Hydra!
Then, after his globetrotting adventures Spider-Man has returned to his friendly neighborhood as Chip Zdarsky and Paulo Siqueira present a sneak peek at PETER PARKER: THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN! A new companion series to the best-selling Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker is back in the Big Apple he’s brought the Ol’ Parker Luck with him! Don’t miss your first taste of this back-to-basics and high-flying ongoing series!  [TEEN]



(W) Scott Tipton, David Tipton (A/CA) J. K. Woodward

Space… The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the I.S.S. Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to conquer strange new worlds, to enslave new life and new civilizations… to boldly go where no one has gone before! Return to the Mirror Universe with the Next Generation crew in a way you’ve never seen them before in this prequel to the upcoming Star Trek: The Next Generation miniseries, Mirror Broken! Captain Jean-Luc Picard will stop at nothing to get his hands on the Terran Empire’s newest starship, the Enterprise-D. And no one had better stand in his way! [ALL AGES]



(W) Akira Himekawa (A/CA) Akira Himekawa

Once upon a time, wizards tried to conquer the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. The Spirits of Light sealed the wizards’ power within the Shadow Crystal and banished them to the Twilight Realm beyond the Mirror of Twilight. Now, an evil menace is trying to find Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm, and the fragments of the Shadow Crystal to gain the power to rule over both the Twilight Realm and the World of Light. This FCBD special features excerpts from the manga adaptations of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. [TEEN]



(W) Greg Rucka (A) Nicola Scott

New York Times-bestselling writer Greg Rucka and fan-favorite artist Nicola Scott weave the definitive and shocking tale of Diana’s first year as Earth’s protector. Paradise has been breached, Ares stirs, and the Amazons must answer with a champion of their own… one who is willing to sacrifice her home amongst her sisters to save a world she has never seen. Wonder Woman’s journey begins in this epic origin story! [TEEN]



(W) Matt Kindt, Jeff Lemire (A) Doug Braithwaite, Ryan Bodenheim, Mico Suayan (A/CA) Tomas Giorello

First: The biggest Valiant debut of all time begins with an all-new prelude to X-O Manowar from visionary storyteller Matt Kindt and blockbuster artists Tomas Giorello, Doug Braithwaite, Clayton Crain, Ryan Bodenheim, and Mico Suayan! Then, comics superstar Jeff Lemire begins the march toward Bloodshot Salvation with the first appearance of A Major New Character! Plus: Faith, Harbinger Renegade, Ninjak, Psi-Lords, Secret Weapons, Shadowman, and surprise revelations for Harbinger Wars 2! [TEEN]



(W) Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Brian E. Paterson, James DeWille (A) Elliot Fernandez, Thomas Pitilli (CA) Francesco Francavilla

Learn the secrets and hidden tales from the summer before the eternal love-triangle begins in this special issue. Featuring two short stories focusing on the major players and events in the Riverdale series: Spend some time at Archie’s summer construction job and learn how it leads him to a fateful encounter with the alluring music teacher, Ms. Grundy. Find out more about Veronica’s mysterious life in New York, before the shocking event that would send her family scrambling. You dare not miss this special FCBD version of the commemorative one-shot issue that serves as a prelude to the CW Riverdale TV series! [TEEN]



The galaxy’s greatest Eisner-nominated SF anthology returns to Free Comic Book Day with a 32 page, 40th anniversary special. Judge Dredd is confronted by someone with a personal vendetta in Forty Years of Hurt  from Matt Smith and Phil Winslade; the treacherous A.B.C. Warrior known as Blackblood faces off against a new nemesis named General Public from Pat Mills and Kei Zama; private investigator Mallory Hope encounters occult forces in 1940’s Los Angeles from Guy Adams and Jimmy Broxton; Judge Anderson attempts to capture the alien bounty hunter known as Trapper Hag and his evil sister Skinner Hag in Hag Team by Dan Abnett and DaNi; and Judge Death attempts to disclose the identity of a murderer in Dreams of Deadworld by Kek-W and Dave Kendall. If that wasn’t enough, this ghafflebette tome includes some exciting, free digital content! [TEEN]



First, blast off with Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon and Groot as they head for the stars and right into an all-new ongoing series! Creators Gerry Duggan, Aaron Kuder and Ive Svorcina bring you over-the-top action and out-of-this-world adventure as the stage is set for May’s highly anticipated All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1! As this unlikely band of misfits returns to outer space once more, nothing will prepare them for their first run in with the new Nova Corps!
Then, head back down to Earth and the mean streets of Hell’s Kitchen as the blockbuster creative team that brought you Civil War II, Invincible Iron Man and Ultimate Spider-Man bring you their next explosive epic in…The Defenders! Superstar creators Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor unite Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist as they go head-to-head with the new criminal element in the Marvel Universe. What new player is running things in the underworld? Find out here with a 10-page tale that leads directly into The Defenders #1 this June! [TEEN]



(W) Fernando Ruiz (CA) Pete Pantazis (A/CA) Fernando Ruiz

National Geographic’s Animal Jam, the online playground for kids to adopt and play with wildlife, is one of today’s fastest-growing multiplayer games, with a whopping 55 million players worldwide! Now, Dynamite Entertainment is proud to welcome comic book fans of all ages to the fictional world of Jamaa, where zoological adventure awaits! In the comic book debut of Animal Jam, Clover Greenleaf, a friendly and curious rabbit, arrives in the colorful new habitat of Jamaa. During a celebration of her arrival, Clover accidentally stumbles across Graham the Monkey’s scientific equipment and opens a portal to a fearsome new realm! Can the Alphas, the animal guardians of Jamaa, save Clover? [ALL AGES]



A brand new, never-before-seen story set in the world of manga megahit Attack on Titan, written by Jody Houser (Faith, Orphan Black) with art by Emi Lenox (Plutona, EmiTown)! Plus, information about the highly-anticipated season two of the anime and more exclusives! [TEEN]



(W) John Allison (CA) Sarah Stern (A/CA) John Allison

Catch up with the strange and delightful world of Bad Machinery for Free Comic Book Day 2017! Featuring an excerpt from The Case of the Forked Road, the seventh book in John Allison’s award-winning Bad Machinery series, this issue introduces readers to the wonderfully surreal town of Tackleford and its resident adolescent mystery solvers. This story finds our young sleuths facing the intricacies of time and space itself. What is their science teacher hiding? Who is the mysterious Calvin, why is he dressed like it’s 1960, and why is he obsessed with Communists? Can Shauna, Lottie, Mildred, Linton, Jack, and Sonny solve the case before time and the universe as they know it unravels? [ALL AGES]



(W) Gabe Soria (A/CA) Warren Pleece A prequel of sorts to Murder Ballads, Z2 Comics’ biggest release of 2017! This book tells the story of Franklin Bonisteel, the legendary record prodcuer, and his misadventures in Los Angeles. Included will be an original song by Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys. [TEEN]



(W) Gene Luen Yang Boasting 10 million viewers, the critically acclaimed family comedy series Fresh Off the Boat (Tuesdays at 9pm on ABC) comes to the world of comics for Free Comic Book Day 2017! Fresh Off the Boat is the story of a Taiwanese-American family living in Orlando in the 1990s and comically explores themes of immigration, assimilation, and identity. BOOM! Studios teams with producers 20th Century Fox Television and the creative team of Fresh Off the Boat to capture the show’s authentic spirit and humor in comic form. Watch for this comic to be written into a storyline in a Spring episode of the TV series, then pick up a copy on Free Comic Book Day! [TEEN]



(W) Christopher Priest, Joseph Illidge (A/CA) Marco Turini, Jessica Kholinne

A mission to save the world from a rapidly-approaching asteroid changes the lives of five astronauts forever, and begins the rise of superhuman beings on Earth. Catalyst Prime: The Event, written by Christopher J. Priest (Deathstroke, Black Panther) and Joseph Phillip Illidge (Solarman), with art by Marco Turini (Secret Wars: Battleworld) and Jessica Kholinne (Secret Wars: Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde)! This FCBD one-shot launches the much anticipated Catalyst Prime universe and lays the groundwork for what’s to come! [TEEN]



(W) Jay Baruchel, Kalman Andrasofszky, Dan Parent, Fernando Ruiz (A) Marcus To, Dan Parent, Fernando Ruiz (CA) David Finch CAPTAIN CANUCK

« Sur Saray » is a Year One story set during Tom Evans’ time serving in the Afghanistan war. Tom has returned to active duty after going AWOL to rescue his brother from Site ALEPH, but his unit, the PCE Squad is folded into an unscrupulous mercenary platoon. Frustrated by the injustices he’s witnessing on a daily basis, Tom begins slipping away by night, using his new powers to right the street-level wrongs the military is too unwieldy to effectively address. This tale is the perfect lead-in to the much-anticipated return of Captain Canuck in his own regular series later in May 2017. [ALL AGES]



(W) Anouk Ricard, Tove Jansson, Shigeru Mizuki (A) Elise Gravel, Tove Jansson, Shigeru Mizuki, Anouk Ricard (CA)

Various D+Q presents a giant sampler loaded with 64 pages of our most beloved comics for kids – delightful misadventures with Moomin and his family, strange and spectacular tales of Kitaro, and more hilarious antics from Anna & Froga. Enjoy a sneak peek into the rollicking sketchbook of cartoonist Elise Gravel, with colorful monsters, imaginary friends, and activity pages where readers can draw right alongside her! [ALL AGES]



(W) Kel McDonald, Paul Tobin (A) Rachel Downing (A/CA) Yishan Li

In our 2017 all-ages offering, you’ll thrill to a monster-slaying, citizen-saving adventure with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sixteen-year-old Buffy is still learning her trade, and sometimes battles with demons and bad luck can erode a girl’s confidence – and her ability to have high-school fun.  #SlayerStruggleIsReal. Then, your favorite plants and zombies will take a time-traveling journey to the past, where they run into a devious sheriff. If they have to work together to rise to the sheriff’s challenges, can they do it? It’s Plants vs. Zombies vs. Sheriff Tarnation! [ALL AGES]



(W) Shea Fontana (A) Yancy Labat

DC Super Hero Girls is an exciting new universe of superhero storytelling that builds character and confidence and empowers girls to discover their true potential. This special FCBD issue features an exciting, action-packed story from the upcoming original graphic novel DC Super Hero Girls: Summer Olympus that readers of all ages will enjoy. [ALL AGES]



(W) Noah Van Sciver, Simon Hanselmann, Jason, Ed Piskor, Liz Suburbia, Dash Shaw, Richard Sala, Emil Ferris (A) Noah Van Sciver, Simon Hanselmann, Jason, Ed Piskor, Liz Suburbia, Dash Shaw, Richard Sala, Emil Ferris

The Publisher of the World’s Greatest Cartoonists has pulled out the stops for this year’s Free Comic Book Day, commissioning all-new, exclusive work from the following comics heavyweights: Noah Van Sciver (Fante Bukowski), Simon Hanselmann (Megahex), Jason (Los Cat), Ed Piskor (Hop Hop Family Tree), Liz Suburbia (Sacred Heart), Dash Shaw (Cosplayers), Richard Sala (The Bloody Cardinal), Emil Ferris (My Favorite Thing is Monsters), and others. Each artist has created a new piece exclusively for Free Comic Book Day that relates to their latest book, making World’s Greatest a must-have for Fantagraphics fans. [MATURE]



(W) Chris Grine (A/CA) Chris Grine

When Luke investigates an eerie blue glow in the woods behind his house, he doesn’t know what he’ll find there. But a scientist, a robot Abraham Lincoln riding a friendly dinosaur, and a sassy ghost were the last things he could have imagined stumbling upon. Now, as Luke and his new companions are pursued by a bickering trio of bumbling henchmen who are after the strange device locked to his arm, he’s forced on a crazy, headlong adventure in a parallel dimension! Will he find his courage in time to save the day and get home or will he be trapped in a weird alternate reality forever? [ALL AGES]



The world of humans has forever changed and the Grimm Universe has been shaken to its core. Now with the death of Sela Mathers, Earth’s long time guardian, the Realms of Power have fallen into chaos. But Sela left behind one thing that may be able to save the world, her daughter Skye. Don’t miss this new chapter in Grimm Fairy Tales that takes the series back to its roots. In this Free Comic Book Day special, Skye comes up against a power she has never faced before. A new evil is introduced to the Grimm Universe, a threat in which the Guardian of the Nexus might not be able to stop. [TEEN]



The last time anyone saw Hilda, she had lost all her clothes, turned into a troll, and woke up in a cave! (Her hair, thankfully, is still blue.) And while our fearsome young adventurer loves a surprise, she’s still got school to worry about! With the help of her mom, magic and some new friends, our young hero will be home and human before she knows it. Hopefully, that is! [ALL AGES]



(W) Alejandro Jodorowsky (A) Moebius, Moebius In its first ever FCBD offering, Humanoids presents one of the most influential and original comics in sci-fi history: The Incal. A full 30 pages of the seminal work originally published in Métal Hurlant and created by the artists’ artist Mœbius and the avant-garde director, writer, mime and spiritual guru Alejandro Jodorowsky. A perfect introduction to Humanoids, and specifically to the « Jodoverse, » an incredible and continually expanding sci-fi universe, full of love, revenge, intrigue, betrayal, and redemption. [MATURE]



(W) Paul Ens, Don Handfield, Richard Rayner (A/CA) Livia Pastore, Leno Carvalho Red 5 Comics and Bryan Singer’s Bad Hat Harry Productions present a tale featuring the early years of one of cinema’s most mysterious villains, Keyser Soze. Also included is a new time travel adventure featuring a displaced WWII pilot entitled The Rift presented by Jeremy Renner. [TEEN]



(W) Joe Kelly (A/CA) Ilya A mysterious wildboy becomes an unwilling guide to the dysfunctional « First Family in Space » when they crash land on his primordial and dangerous planet. « Kid Savage » must help a disconnect science-minded dad, his nervous son, and too-cool-to-care daughter survive the rigors of his world if he is to learn the true meaning of family and make amends for the sins of his mysterious past. Man of Action Entertainment (Ben 10, Big Hero 6, Camp Midnight, I Kill Giants) presents this epic all-ages adventure from the minds of Joe Kelly and Ilya. [ALL AGES]



(W) Joe Benitez (A/CA) Joe Benitez, Peter Steigerwald Introduce new readers to this steampunk bestseller, which has been remarkably successful with female readers as well as fans of the popular steampunk genre, with this FCBD special that includes the original 14-page one-shot introducing Lady Mechanika, a young woman in Victorian England with mechanical limbs and no memory of how she got them, searching desperately for the secrets to her past, plus excerpts from the Lady Mechanika trades and comics! [TEEN



(W) Frank Beddor, Curtis Clark (A) Sami Makkonen (CA) Vincent Proce Queen Alyss Heart of Wonderland faces great difficulty as she fends off assaults from rival suit families while struggling to prevent with the tribes of Boarderland. No longer sure whom to trust, she turns to disgraced rogue millinery Ovid Grey to uncover a conspiracy that threatens both Wonderland and our world. [TEEN]



(W) Kevin Sullivan, David King, Jared Morgan, Miguel Puga, Ari Castleton, Jordan Rosato (A) Jared Morgan, David King, Kevin Sullivan, Miguel Puga, Miguel Puga, Ari Castleton, Jordan Rosato The Loud House is Nickelodeon’s big, new, #1 hit animated show! Learn from Lincoln Loud the ins and outs of living in a huge household with 10 sisters! Lincoln will teach you important life lessons such as how to always get the last slice of pizza, how to restore law and order to the living room, and how to properly dispose of poopy diapers! All this and more from Nickelodeon’s first family-Lincoln and his sisters Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lisa, Lola, Lana, and Lily! Featuring stories by The Loud House animation crew and show creator Chris Savino! [ALL AGES]



Recently featured on The Washington Post, Malika: Warrior Queen follows the exploits of queen and military commander Malika, who struggles to keep the peace in her ever-expanding empire. Set in 15th-century Africa, this is historical fantasy like you’ve never seen it before. It’s African history mixed with action, drama, politics, betrayal, romance, and dragons! [TEEN]



(W) Bryan Seaton, Thomas Astruc, Nicole D’Andria (A/CA) Brian Hess An all-new, never-before-seen, original illustrated story, featuring Ladybug and Cat Noir! This is the start of the all new illustrated monthly series of Miraculous by Action Lab. [ALL AGES]



(W) Scott Westerfeld (A/CA) Alex Puvilland It’s the night of the Po-town Spill, and things are getting weird. Strange lights fill the sky, the house across the street is melting, and the neighbors are turning into meat puppets. Lexa’s big sister and parents are gone, and all she has for company in this calamity is her rag doll, Vespertine. Luckily, since the Spill began Vespertine can talk, and has plenty to say. [TEEN]



(W) Jay Lender, James Kochalka (A) Jacob Chabot, James Kochalka (CA) R. Sikoryak It’s No Charge Funny Book Day in Bikini Bottom, and Mr. Krabs leads SpongeBob and the entire Bikini Bottom gang through adventure and peril on a quest for free items! But will Mr. Krabs learn the true meaning of No Charge Funny Book Day? Also: Mermaid Man on patrol!
Plankton explores a new world! And facts about waterspouts – the ocean’s tornados! All with a wraparound cover tribute to Famous Funnies #1 (the first comic book ever made!) by Eisner nominee R. Sikoryak. [ALL AGES]



(W) Joe Wight (A) Joe Wight The Free Realms are crumbling under the Crimson Empire’s mighty sky dreadnoughts. A small band of Free pilots have gathered for a desperate mission, but their bravery and skill is not enough.  They must use an untested, secretly developed fighter to strike back against these terrifying ironclads, or be crushed forever by tyranny. [ALL AGES]



(W) Ken Siu-Chong (A/CA) Jeffrey Chamba Cruz Let’s wrestle! Street Fighter superstar Rainbow Mika and the ferocious femmes of the Iwashigahama Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling league headline the main event in this all-new story! Expect plentiful clotheslines, elbow drops, headlocks, and divebombs as these legendary ladies show why they’re the queens of the ring! [TEEN]



(W) Jeff McClelland (A/CA) Duane Redhead The Tick celebrates FCBD 2017 with 32 pages of full-color fun! In the all-new 15-page lead, « Happy Birthday, Tick! », The Tick throws himself the ultimate super-party! But he invites both good guys and bad guys, figuring everyone can be pals in the interest of birthday celebrating! Party plans may go awry when The Terror attends along with his ninjas! Backup story: the presidential election saga, « Civic Duty », previously only seen in a limited convention special. 29 pages of FCBD fun! This is going to be a BIG year for The Tick with the new Amazon TV show! [ALL AGES]



(W) Tom Waltz (A/CA) Cory Smith Prequel to the upcoming TMNT: Dimension X 5-week event this August! Krang was defeated by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and now awaits trial in Dimension X. Little do the Turtles know that Krang hired an assassin to destroy everyone who might testify against him, including themselves! This issue introduces a deadly and weird new villain, and begins the biggest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles adventure in space ever! [ALL AGES]



(W) Jason Muell (A/CA) Natsuki Minami Based on the beloved Disney Descendants! The children of the most frightening Disney villains (VKs) are invited to attend the elite academy of Auradon Prep to learn to be good. But the VKs have ulterior motives – to steal the fairy god mother’s wand and free their parents. Join Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay on this epic Disney adventure. This the first chapter of the manga adaptation of Descendants. [ALL AGES]



There’s no need to fear, Underdog is here! American Mythology is proud to announce our follow-up to the 2016 Pink Panther FCBD special with another beloved kids comic! Underdog is back and aimed at introducing a new generation of readers to all-ages fun! [ALL AGES]



(W) Akira Toriyama, Masashi Kishimoto (A/CA) Akira Toriyama, Masashi Kishimoto Dragon Ball Super: Ever since Goku became Earth’s greatest hero and gathered the seven Dragon Balls to defeat the evil Boo, his life on Earth has grown a little dull. But new threats loom overhead, and Goku and his friends will have to defend the planet once again in this continuation of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling series, Dragon Ball! Boruto: Years have passed since Naruto and Sasuke teamed up to defeat Kaguya, the progenitor of chakra and the greatest threat the ninja world has ever faced. Times are now peaceful and the new generation of shinobi have not experienced the same hardships as their parents. Perhaps that is why Boruto would rather play video games than train. However, one passion does burn deep in this ninja brat, and that is to defeat his neglectful father! [TEEN]


Et voilà les amis pour cette belle et longue liste !! 

N’hésitez pas à venir nombreux et déguisés, le stock sera copieux et comme d’habitude l’ambiance au rendez vous !!!

Guillaume et toute l’équipe de Bédéciné !!


Pour rappel le principe du Free Comic Book Day chez Bédéciné est le suivant ^^ :

Pour toute visite à la Librairie ce jour là, chaque participant se verra offrir totalement gratuitement 3 Comics VO* dans un très large choix de singles édités ou réédités spécialement pour l’occasion par la plupart des éditeurs Américains !!!

 • Pour tout achat d’un Comic (hors magazine) vous vous verrez même offrir 3 Singles supplémentaires !!

 • Concernant les titres exclusivement en Français, chaque participant se verra offrir totalement gratuitement un exemplaire de son choix, puis deux autres en Français également en cas d’achat.
Bien entendu rien ne vous empêche de repartir simplement avec un Comics Français et deux en VO ou, en cas d’achat, avec 3 Comics en Français et 3 en VO !!

Bref, vous l’aurez compris les formules sont nombreuses, il ne vous reste plus qu’à venir le jour J et à profiter de cette belle journée

• Cerise sur le gateau, Tout participant venant déguisé en un personnage de l’univers comics se verra offrir la bagatelle de 10 Singles !!!!!!!! ( A condition bien sur qu’il ou elle nous autorise à prendre quelques photos pour ce joli Blog et la belle page Facebook de Bédéciné ^^)

PS : Une simple cagoule ne suffit pas toujours

* Dans la limite des stocks disponibles.

4 commentaires à propos de “Free Comic Book Day 2017 !!”

  1. Rétroliens : Sorties des Comics VO de la semaine du 22 Mars 2017 !

  2. Rétroliens : Sorties des Comics VF de la semaine du 26 Avril 2017 !

  3. Rétroliens : Sorties des Comics VF de la semaine du 3 Mai 2017 !

  4. Rétroliens : Sorties des Comics VO de la semaine du 3 Mai 2017 !!

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